Today the Catholic church celebrates the Feast of the Holy Family. It is an occasion to not only remember the great love and faith that was shared and witnessed by Jesus, Mary and Joseph but also an occasion to appreciate our own loving and faithful parents. Likewise, it is also an opportunity to reflect on so many families we may know who also witness that same love and faith that was modeled for us by the Holy Family.
I was blessed to have great parents who both lived their faith and provided a home and family life modeled after Jesus’ parents. I also had the grace to spend much of my youth deeply connected to my many aunts, uncles and cousins in Ireland. Apart from recalling fantastic memories of games, good times and much laughter, each of those individual families deeply instilled great lessons of faith, prayer and love in my young soul. Memories of praying the rosary as a family, attending midnight mass on Christmas Eve and sharing a great devotion to Mary are among my favorite childhood experiences.
I am so grateful today to know many modern-day examples of similar families who exemplify the ideals and spirit of the Holy Family. Many of those same cousins of my youth and their spouses now pass on that same love and faith to their own children. Equally, the children of many of my closest friends have the good fortune to have parents who witness hope, faith and love with every breath they take.
Thanks to the efforts of our wider Marist Mission, especially our ongoing work with Refugee families, I have been graced to know numerous stories of parents and young children, who like the Holy Family had to flee their hometown for the safety of their children and who often did not find a welcome at an Inn. As this season of Christmas continues, let us remember in a special way today all those “Holy Families” who have fled their homes because of horrible dangers, violence, wars or disasters. May Jesus, Mary and Joseph look down on them and lead them to a safer place and one where they might have the opportunity to raise their children in love, peace and hope rather than in despair and anguish.
Our Marist Brothers USA Province is dedicated to the Holy Family. May we as Marist of Champagnat be worthy models and witnesses of that same family spirit that we are proud to call our own!