Happy Father’s Day to all the amazing Dads out there! I gratefully remember my own Dad today who is still watching over me from above. He gave me an abundance of lasting gifts in my life that still resonate and live on in my daily life. His quiet example of living a faith-filled life and helping many along his journey didn’t go unnoticed or not remembered.
There are very few more important roles one can have in life than the opportunity to be Dad. I am incredibly blessed to have watched so many of my cousins and close friends grow into the role of being amazing Dads. They tirelessly and selflessly make sacrifices everyday for their families with unconditional love. This year, our Church celebrates the Year of St. Joseph, the patron Saint of all Fathers. Saint Joseph was the foster father of Jesus, husband of Mary and head of the Holy Family. He experienced many of the same difficulties in life that most fathers do, yet he lived an exemplary life and established an ideal that is well-worth emulating. Saint Joseph was a man of compassion and caring. He was a man possessed with an unwavering faith in God. He was a man who loved and protected his family. He was an incredibly “righteous man” and did all he could to allow his son to become all that God was calling him to do. May all Dads continue to embrace the Ideal of Fatherhood and know how sacred and important their role is in the lives of their family.
May today be a joyful day for all families who are graced to have a true St. Joseph in their lives!